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Scorpion Shield Returns Scorpion Shield Returns Scorpion Shield Returns Scorpion Shield Returns

14th April 2023

  • Reduced visual transparency effect of Stealth from Invisibility pool
  • Fixed Darkness Control’s Umbra Beast not accepting fear enhancements
  • Make Gravity Control’s Singularity’s slows ignore level difference scaling
  • Remove aggro from Singularity’s repel
  • Increase -knockback on Restraint
  • Speed up Midnight Grasp animation

Ice Armor (Tanker)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Icicles
    • Effects from chilling embrace merged into this power
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Hibernate
    • Unchanged
  • Icy Bastion
    • Ported over from stalkers

Ice Armor (Stalkers)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Hide
    • Unchanged
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Chilling Embrace
    • Unchanged
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Icy Bastion
    • Unchanged

Dark Melee, Darkness Assault, Darkness Manipulation

  • Midnight Grasp
    • Equalized all versions of the power with the blaster version (hits harder, slower recharge)
    • Reduced cast time from 2.0.7 to 1.03

Sonic Blast

  • Shout
    • Activation time reduced from 2.67s to 2.0s

Control set pets (only main pets, no shades, no decoys)

  • All now take commands like Mastermind pets

Mace Mastery

  • Scorpion Shield
    • Reverted an earlier nerf thats no longer needed due to the global defense clamp adjustment

Gravity Control

  • Singularity should be quieter now

Spines, Thorns

  • Invisible option now has tintable FX


  • PhysX runs on the main thread again now due to some crashes believed to be associated


  • Very minor improvements made to cleanup AI code. No behavioral changes, just small speedups.
  • Reduced visual transparency effect of Stealth from Invisibility pool
  • Fixed Darkness Control’s Umbra Beast not accepting fear enhancements
  • Make Gravity Control’s Singularity’s slows ignore level difference scaling
  • Remove aggro from Singularity’s repel
  • Increase -knockback on Restraint
  • Speed up Midnight Grasp animation

Ice Armor (Tanker)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Icicles
    • Effects from chilling embrace merged into this power
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Hibernate
    • Unchanged
  • Icy Bastion
    • Ported over from stalkers

Ice Armor (Stalkers)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Hide
    • Unchanged
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Chilling Embrace
    • Unchanged
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Icy Bastion
    • Unchanged

Dark Melee, Darkness Assault, Darkness Manipulation

  • Midnight Grasp
    • Equalized all versions of the power with the blaster version (hits harder, slower recharge)
    • Reduced cast time from 2.0.7 to 1.03

Sonic Blast

  • Shout
    • Activation time reduced from 2.67s to 2.0s

Control set pets (only main pets, no shades, no decoys)

  • All now take commands like Mastermind pets

Mace Mastery

  • Scorpion Shield
    • Reverted an earlier nerf thats no longer needed due to the global defense clamp adjustment

Gravity Control

  • Singularity should be quieter now

Spines, Thorns

  • Invisible option now has tintable FX


  • PhysX runs on the main thread again now due to some crashes believed to be associated


  • Very minor improvements made to cleanup AI code. No behavioral changes, just small speedups.
Help us translate!
  • Reduced visual transparency effect of Stealth from Invisibility pool
  • Fixed Darkness Control’s Umbra Beast not accepting fear enhancements
  • Make Gravity Control’s Singularity’s slows ignore level difference scaling
  • Remove aggro from Singularity’s repel
  • Increase -knockback on Restraint
  • Speed up Midnight Grasp animation

Ice Armor (Tanker)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Icicles
    • Effects from chilling embrace merged into this power
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Hibernate
    • Unchanged
  • Icy Bastion
    • Ported over from stalkers

Ice Armor (Stalkers)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Hide
    • Unchanged
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Chilling Embrace
    • Unchanged
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Icy Bastion
    • Unchanged

Dark Melee, Darkness Assault, Darkness Manipulation

  • Midnight Grasp
    • Equalized all versions of the power with the blaster version (hits harder, slower recharge)
    • Reduced cast time from 2.0.7 to 1.03

Sonic Blast

  • Shout
    • Activation time reduced from 2.67s to 2.0s

Control set pets (only main pets, no shades, no decoys)

  • All now take commands like Mastermind pets

Mace Mastery

  • Scorpion Shield
    • Reverted an earlier nerf thats no longer needed due to the global defense clamp adjustment

Gravity Control

  • Singularity should be quieter now

Spines, Thorns

  • Invisible option now has tintable FX


  • PhysX runs on the main thread again now due to some crashes believed to be associated


  • Very minor improvements made to cleanup AI code. No behavioral changes, just small speedups.
Help us translate!
  • Reduced visual transparency effect of Stealth from Invisibility pool
  • Fixed Darkness Control’s Umbra Beast not accepting fear enhancements
  • Make Gravity Control’s Singularity’s slows ignore level difference scaling
  • Remove aggro from Singularity’s repel
  • Increase -knockback on Restraint
  • Speed up Midnight Grasp animation

Ice Armor (Tanker)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Icicles
    • Effects from chilling embrace merged into this power
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Hibernate
    • Unchanged
  • Icy Bastion
    • Ported over from stalkers

Ice Armor (Stalkers)

Powers re-ordered, the following list is the new order

  • Hide
    • Unchanged
  • Frozen Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Glacial Armor
    • Can now slot resistance enhancements
  • Wet Ice
    • Can now slot Resistance and defense enhancements
  • Hoarfrost
    • Reworked to be a click Absorb over time and +regen buff
  • Chilling Embrace
    • Unchanged
  • Energy Absortion
    • Added -recharge and -movement speed to foes
  • Permafrost
    • Added +MaxHP buff
  • Icy Bastion
    • Unchanged

Dark Melee, Darkness Assault, Darkness Manipulation

  • Midnight Grasp
    • Equalized all versions of the power with the blaster version (hits harder, slower recharge)
    • Reduced cast time from 2.0.7 to 1.03

Sonic Blast

  • Shout
    • Activation time reduced from 2.67s to 2.0s

Control set pets (only main pets, no shades, no decoys)

  • All now take commands like Mastermind pets

Mace Mastery

  • Scorpion Shield
    • Reverted an earlier nerf thats no longer needed due to the global defense clamp adjustment

Gravity Control

  • Singularity should be quieter now

Spines, Thorns

  • Invisible option now has tintable FX


  • PhysX runs on the main thread again now due to some crashes believed to be associated


  • Very minor improvements made to cleanup AI code. No behavioral changes, just small speedups.
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